The puppy, risking herself, saved her master and was injured. How did the owner thank his devoted friend?

The puppy, risking herself, saved her master and was injured. How did the owner thank his devoted friend?

A Reddit user with the nickname u/shotgun-octopus shared with subscribers the amazing story of his miraculous rescue.

He said that he was doing repairs in the house, where except for him there was only his faithful dog Ham.

And suddenly the unexpected happened – the man fell down the stairs and lost consciousness.

Seeing what happened to the owner, the pit bull immediately rushed to his aid.

The dog grabbed the man by the shirt with his teeth and began to drag, and when the man groaned, Ham began to howl loudly.

The noise attracted the attention of neighbors, who called an ambulance.

The dog also suffered – when the pit bull dragged the owner, he received a lacerated wound on his paw, but did not even notice it.

Doctors at the hospital where the man was taken were amazed at how he was able to survive.

The situation was very serious – it turned out that when he hit the ground, the man broke his knee, received several cracks in the ribs and an open skull injury.

Later, the man told the users of the social media that he was fine.

Of course, it will take time to recover from the injuries received, but the doctors’ predictions are positive.

The author also expressed his gratitude to the pet for saving his life: “Thank you, Ham. You are my best friend!”

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