The woman thought she was adopted, but her true family never gave up hunting for her

The woman thought she was adopted, but her true family never gave up hunting for her

Susan Gervaise had always thought she had been adopted.

The truth was only discovered 53 years later, almost by accident: it turned out that her real family had been searching for her since 1969 without giving up.

Little Susan was abducted by the next-door neighbors, who made a promise to her parents to take her to Disneyland with their kids.

Later it was revealed that these folks had intended to steal Susan for themselves.

The girl’s new family first relocated to Canada before moving to another nation. New Zealand was the final stop.

Susan, who was told when she was four years old that she had been put up for adoption, has always had this belief.

The new family also handled the girl’s upbringing with great responsibility. She had a good home, went to school, and traveled extensively.

Susan didn’t start to have suspicions until she arrived to renew her passport because the archives didn’t have any documents of adoption.

The «family» started to be questioned by Susan, and she soon learned the reality. The woman was obviously shocked by the circumstances.

A few months later, she was able to locate her true parents; it turned out that 53 years of searching had not ended.

The past is no longer able to be changed. The woman did not sever ties with her «foster parents» since she accepted what had happened to her.

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